Post by mnjrutherford on Mar 28, 2010 7:37:41 GMT -5
Dan, I kinda think it would be a great thing if politicians were to have the opportunity to experience having their "lizards take a leap" off their bodies. Makes me think of leprosy. Men (as in humankind) have a crazed tendency to follow things that wind up causing destruction because in the short term it looks good. Think of a juicy fat shrimp that once swallowed reveals to the mouth a barbed hook that can not be removed without destroying the flesh of the tongue into which it has sunk. It is rare to find leadership that actually sits back to look at the glorious thing and takes time to fully consider what the hidden dangers might be. Nuclear power being one of the things in my book as an example.
The point is, agriculture, seed saving, plant breeding, child rearing, are all things that have been successfully accomplished for THOUSANDS of years. It is only when we "suddenly" come up with something that we think is new and wonderful and should be implemented immediately that we tend to get ourselves into serious trouble.
This is why, to the best of our ability at least, we are scrabbling to return at least our little patch back to the ways that we hope best mimic antiquity. Hard work builds muscle and wards off obesity. Chemical free food increases health, vigor, and longevity.
And one other thing I've discovered now that we are homeschooling and farming... I'm not afraid of dying. I don't have any regrets. I've given my children the best, me. I can die and know that when I'm gone they will not only carry on, they will carry on successfully. My kids are 8 and 10 and I have this level of confidence. I have to wonder how many politicians can say the same even with older children than mine.
Sorry, another level of hijack...
Post by bunkie on Mar 28, 2010 12:15:02 GMT -5
i concur with dan's posts and those of similar thoughts. i feel thaat 'testing' is a biggy so we know how these new concotions will affect us. LOTS of testing!
my biggy is the labeling. why are not the 80 plus percent of genetically modified products in the supermarket LABELED?
baby daddy
Laugh when you can, Apoligize when you should, Let go of the things you can't change.
Posts: 132
Post by baby daddy on Mar 28, 2010 13:52:15 GMT -5
I agree with Dan, corp. greed not the farmers need.. Hmm. maybe i just came up with a slogan. As for Canada Mike 1000 kids maybe, but with the help of a geneticaly modified spanish fly, and a couple bottles or red wine.. (Just poking good fun Mike) _ Baby Daddy
Post by canadamike on Mar 28, 2010 21:45:12 GMT -5
Forget the spanish fly, they have Viagra now As for the wine, the trick is to give it to the ladies while you drink water ;D ;D
Post by wildseed57 on Apr 8, 2010 12:51:31 GMT -5
I just wantd to poke my nos in and say a couple of things, even though there has ben and will be plenty of better comments than mine. I'm not the smartest person in the world nor will I ever be. I'm just a old disabled guy trying to raise a couple of grand daughter's that I would like to see grow up in a brighter and better world than mine. With that said, I will never grow any GM vegetables, If you take a look at India one of the worlds most poorest countries, which is a big testing ground for GM products , pesticides, herbicides, and Big US based and European companies that feel they have the right to own the very water that millions of people have to use to live . Monsanto grows and promotes much of the round up ready rice, soybean and possibly a good many more GM plants. If you take a good look at things India has the highest child mortality rate along with babies being born with various mutations and a host of diseases and a high rate of cancer. Not one thing or Company has done anything to improve their way of live, if anything all the GM products , herbicides and insectiicides have made things worse and has directly caused the death of a good many people out of shear greed. Very few if anything has been able to show that all this New and improved way of life they so boldly point out is working to really help people, except to maybe poison a few million people slowly but surely. If Monsanto and its subcompanies get their way and Obama signs a bill that they are trying to pass the US may be in for a real shock. There is how ever some good work being done, Hopefully it will not be buried under all the crap that is being produced. But for GMO none will ever touch my plate if I can help it and they can take my heirlooms out of my cold dead hands! George W. Z5-6 - Remember Agent Orange !!
Post by nuts on Apr 8, 2010 15:44:15 GMT -5
Rice with high vitamin A?,that's opens tremendous possibilities indeed. So,now the chinese can be fed with only rice(they like rice!) That will make my plasma screan even cheaper!
seriously,everything is said.
I want to underline one thing. After the many polutions we have,there is a new pollution coming up, the genetical pollution..
The genomes they produce,and spread around all over the place contain usefull things like resistance against poisons that kill anything but the plant itself,markers,logos,triggers, patent registrations or even better,genes that kill bees and humans,and many other features that are thrown in by accident.
Any plant that catches this scrap will have to be breed for many generations to get rid of it. Oh,and beware if they find out that your plant catches one of these patented features,you have to pay for it!!
gmo makes me sick...
Post by mjc on Apr 8, 2010 15:59:18 GMT -5
even better,genes that kill bees and humans,and many other features that are thrown in by accident. It's not the genes that kill...it is the fact that the plants themselves produce the same toxins as Bt...
Post by nuts on Apr 8, 2010 16:11:59 GMT -5
even better,genes that kill bees and humans,and many other features that are thrown in by accident. It's not the genes that kill...it is the fact that the plants themselves produce the same toxins as Bt... You're right,I recognize there are some shortcuts in my post,the complete,200 pages version is for later...