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Re: What's Your Method for Ripening Melons
« Reply #1 Today at 11:49am »
I would bring them inside and wait. They won't be any sweeter, just less firm and some aroma will develop. I have loads of melons like that in the garden, most undersize of course... A lot of what is attributed to downy mildew at this time of the year is simply the melon sudden death syndrome, it happens when nights get too cool.
I have sprayed successfully with sulfur this year when downy mildew zapped melon patch number one. I used the sulphur in my dormant oil kit, 100 ml to 4 gallons of water and a couple of drops of dish soap, the size of my tank.
I'll get most inside except those with lots of good living foliage, mainly LUNEVILLE and it's parent PRESCOTT.
As long as you get some good smelling perfume in them, do like me, sprinkle with white sugar if they aren't sweet, the flavour and richness come alive.
We would have prefered mother nature to sprinkle them with sun, but what ca we do?
It would not be a bad idea to get as much tomatoes as possible in, Tom says after 90 hours under 55 ( I think, or maybe 60) they loose some flavor coumpounds. If we add up the past cool nights we're probably somewhere around there.
« Last Edit: Today at 11:52am by canadamike » Link to Post - Back to Top Logged
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And I said in reply to Michel
Re: What's Your Method for Ripening Melons
« Reply #2 Today at 6:52pm »
As soon as I got home, I locked the chickens up, watered horses and brought in any almost ripe peppers and a couple of baskets of tomatoes. I also brought in 3 containers of peppers; two purple beauty that aren't ripe yet and one other.
I looked at the pumpkins and squash, but they are all under good cover so the pumpkins should be okay even if there is a light frost accompanying this cooler weather.