Feb 16, 2008 8:14:03 GMT -5
Post by MawkHawk on Feb 16, 2008 8:14:03 GMT -5
"several folks over at Idig could not get "lucky" in a women's prison with a fistfull of pardons...."
Feb 16, 2008 14:20:13 GMT -5
Post by winter unfazed on Feb 16, 2008 14:20:13 GMT -5
No it's the fact that you can say nipple, hell, damn, ect without having Barney Fife ( sp?) up your backside here. You can type "nipple" on IDig and it won't be a problem. Heck, Jere even sells "Nipple Fruit" in his catalog.
Feb 16, 2008 14:29:34 GMT -5
Post by moonlilyhead on Feb 16, 2008 14:29:34 GMT -5
It would depend on the context, I'm sure. I can think of plenty of sentences with the word nipple in them that would be busted in a second!
Feb 16, 2008 18:04:23 GMT -5
Post by Jim on Feb 16, 2008 18:04:23 GMT -5
Feb 17, 2008 7:34:41 GMT -5
Post by flowerpower on Feb 17, 2008 7:34:41 GMT -5
You can type "nipple" on IDig and it won't be a problem. Heck, Jere even sells "Nipple Fruit" in his catalog. Well, most young guys swipe a Playboy to see nipples, not a seed catalog.
Bring back the rotary phone so we don't have to press "1" for English
Posts: 138
Feb 17, 2008 9:48:24 GMT -5
Post by oldgaredneck on Feb 17, 2008 9:48:24 GMT -5
unlike the real thing, nipple fruit are not edible.....
Feb 17, 2008 11:25:42 GMT -5
Post by winter unfazed on Feb 17, 2008 11:25:42 GMT -5
Alan, I should have known that was you. I thought it was strange that there was no greenseed listed as a member here. I have to say that I almost feel a little sorry for Jere. He seems to have some pretty deep issues. I checked out all of the stuff he has listed, the village, the photography, etc. His photos aren't very good, but he is trying to sell them, his shops look nearly empty, the village looks pitiful. Seems to be based on the 'Little House' series. I don't remember big air conditioning units sitting beside the buildings in Walnut Grove. What is it with the cowboy boots? Seems he has more boots than gardening stuff in the shop. For me, what really puts it over the top is the photo of him and his wife in the ridiculous get-up. YELLOW? Seriously? Only a deeply disturbed individual would post that for all the world to see. I predict that someday he will be found running up and down the streets of his village on a stick pony, wearing only his cowboy boots and hat. Yellow is just a bright, happy color. And I thought the picture of him and his wife looked nice, actually. I refer to Jere as the "Man in Yellow" sometimes.
Feb 17, 2008 11:31:36 GMT -5
Post by winter unfazed on Feb 17, 2008 11:31:36 GMT -5
LOL, yep, greenseed is me, I can't help but push Jeres buttons from time to time, he's such a whiney little punk. I beg your pardon, but he is not a "whiney little punk". He wants to keep his forum site FRIENDLY and not with a bunch of name calling and cuss words. Those who come on the forum and swear, call names, start arguments...THEY are the whiney little punks.
Feb 17, 2008 11:34:35 GMT -5
Post by winter unfazed on Feb 17, 2008 11:34:35 GMT -5
Just to play devil's advocate to the mayberry nonsense... I dunno, but this seems sexually suggestive to me. There's a similar one of his blonde pal in this year's catalog with another type of gourd. Perhaps the seed shop's catalog should be kept behind the counter??? gettle.org/gallery/d/148-2/retro-Jere.jpgOh, please, give me a break. There is absolutely nothing sexually suggestive about a man wearing sunglasses and holding a Cushaw ( Cucurbita mixta, syn. C. argyrosperma) on a grassy lawn.
Feb 17, 2008 11:51:50 GMT -5
Post by winter unfazed on Feb 17, 2008 11:51:50 GMT -5
..Winter Unphrased attempts at "writing" just evoke wonderment w/re: logic and pity w/re: syntax/punctuation rules. God Bless America and all it's coloquial foibles. Well, I guess all publicity is good publicity!
Feb 17, 2008 12:32:27 GMT -5
Post by jaliranchr on Feb 17, 2008 12:32:27 GMT -5
That's why we who are in the right must EXPAND the fences of what the cynics refer to as our "dogma". God bless Reverend Phelps! (And no, that's not a joke. I'm downright serious.) Jeffrey, are you making a jump to the conclusion that I am some target of someone like Fred Phelps?? How would you know if I am or not? That's quite a jump for you to make of anyone, but not at all surprising that you would make it. Nor is it any kind of surprise that an ignorant self-righteous, self-absorbed pontificator like yourself would applaud the behavior of Phelps and Company. That is not a compliment in any universe. btw, Jeffrey, that is called editing, not lying, when you submit something and it is tightened and improved.
Feb 17, 2008 12:34:32 GMT -5
Post by PapaVic on Feb 17, 2008 12:34:32 GMT -5
Dogma: a doctrine or body of doctrines concerning faith or morals formally stated and authoritatively proclaimed by a church.
Rev. Phelps says: "We adhere to the teachings of the Bible, preach against all form of sin (e.g., fornication, adultery [including divorce and remarriage], sodomy), and insist that the sovereignty of God and the doctrines of grace be taught and expounded publicly to all men. These doctrines of grace were well summed up by John Calvin in his 5 points of Calvinism: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints. Although these doctrines are almost universally hated today, they were once loved and believed. Even though the Arminian lies that 'God loves everyone' and 'Jesus died for everyone' are being taught from nearly every pulpit in this generation, this hasn't always been the case. If you are in a church that supposedly believes the Bible, and you are hearing these lies, then your church doesn't teach what the Bible teaches. If you care about your never-dying soul, you will carefully read every word of this web site, along with the entire Bible."
Therefore, that is the "Phelps Dogma."
And here is the manifestation of the Phelps Dogma ...
"Westboro Baptist Church engages in daily peaceful sidewalk demonstrations opposing the homosexual lifestyle of soul-damning, nation-destroying filth. We display large, colorful signs containing Bible words and sentiments, including: GOD HATES FAGS, FAGS HATE GOD, AIDS CURES FAGS, THANK GOD FOR AIDS, FAGS BURN IN HELL, GOD IS NOT MOCKED, FAGS ARE NATURE FREAKS, GOD GAVE FAGS UP, NO SPECIAL LAWS FOR FAGS, FAGS DOOM NATIONS, THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS, FAG TROOPS, GOD BLEW UP THE TROOPS, GOD HATES AMERICA, AMERICA IS DOOMED, THE WORLD IS DOOMED, etc."
Therefore, by definition and by proclamation, Westboro Baptist Church and Phelps are HATERS and PREACH a DOCTRINE OF HATE.
Feb 17, 2008 12:41:25 GMT -5
Post by pyrorob on Feb 17, 2008 12:41:25 GMT -5
Just out of curiosity, winter unfazed, what does the C.H. next to your avatar stand for?
Feb 17, 2008 12:48:08 GMT -5
Post by winter unfazed on Feb 17, 2008 12:48:08 GMT -5
Pyrobob--the C.H. stands for my Chartered Herbalist certification.
PapaVic--Although I am an arminian and would disagree with some elements of Phelps' Calvinistic theology and some of the language he uses, it is his strong moral stance that I applaud.
Feb 17, 2008 12:54:43 GMT -5
Post by PapaVic on Feb 17, 2008 12:54:43 GMT -5
As you grow older, you'll find that strong morals can be had and adhered to without expressing a dogma of hate. In fact, those who employ dogmatic hate often do so out of deep seated psychoses, guilt, self-hate, moral turpitude, and greed for power, wealth and recognition, eg. mortal sins in their own supposed dogmas.
Loosen up a bit, young man.