From traders above....I have 42 days to share.
I am growing 100 varieties of determinates myself in a project will share from this list (note, some may be SD).
42 Days-red salad
Ace 55-red 6-12 oz tart flavor, sweet undertone, productive, resists V and FW from Michigan
Adventure- IN red medium slicer
Agatha-red salad from Ukraine
Alacrity-red 4-8 oz Canadian
Alaska-red round salad Canada/Russia
Alaska Fancy-Det-SD or IN depends the source, red plum
Anahu-Produced by Hawaiian tomato breeder Dr. Jim Gilbert, who named the Anahu variety after one of his students who died in the Korean war. This is a very productive determinate variety that produces 5-8 oz., round, red fruit.
Backfield-SD red slicer
Basket Vee- 8 1/2-9 oz beefsteak type that is crack free-market
Beaverlodge 48-211B-Farthest North x Fargo x Yellow Pear = BES 52-03 (BES 52-03 x Bounty) Canada 1971
Beaverlodge Slicer-red early Alberta Canada
Bellstar-red plum Ontario Canada
Bison-red Yeager of North Dakota 1937
*Black Seaman-dark fruit
Boetz-red plum Siberia
Bonito Ojo-red
Brookpact-red Canadian slicer
Buckbee's New Fifty Day-red salad pre-1930 2-6 oz
Burbank Slicing-red slicer 1915
Bush Goliath-
Bushy Chabarovsky-pink det/dwarf Russia
Buzau 22-red, 3-4 oz Romania
Cabot (can't find)
Campbell 22-( and any others)
Canabec Rose-pink slicer, Doucet variety Quebec Canada 1976
Canabec Rouge-red slicer, Doucet variety Quebec Canada 1967
Canabec Super-pink slicer, Doucet variety Quebec Canada 1975
Canary Rose-pink plum,
Caro Rich-
Cold Set-red Ontario Canada Fireball x wild-fruited Filipino No. 2 (pink selection)
Czech Bush-
Dad's Mug? (unfound)
Dansk Export-
Ditmarsher[/font]-pink oval cherry
(Doucet's Quebec) Early Market-red bush Quebec Canada
(Doucet's) Q-1121-red Quebec 1978
Dufresne-IN pink Canada
Earliana-bright red smooth 1900 Stokes/ Pennsylvania
Earliana (Schell's)
Earlicrop-Alberta 1953
Earlinorth-Alberta 1953
Early Chatham-red Yeager Michigan 1943
Early Girl (de-hybridized)
Early Pink (Clear Pink Early) Russian
Early Red Chief (IN) but I'm growing it
Early Stokesdale #4-British Columbia 1962 or before.
Fakel-red Russian
Fireworks II-red
Forest Fire-red (Peters)
Gill's All Purpose-(SD) red, Gill Seed Co.Portland, Oregon (Wasatch Beauty X Pepper) IN or Det depends on what you read
Katja-(SD?) pink Russian
Hanky Red-seems a pink and red and PL varieties floating around as well
Golden Bison-yellow Yeager cross of Bison and Golden Queen
Green Sausage-paste
Health Kick-red plum
Heinz 1439- and any other Heinz'-red canner
Homestead 24-red selection of 'Homestead' whose parentage was a stabilized complex cross (Victor x Dobbie's Champion) x Pan American x Rutgers) 1956
Ida Gold-orange Idaho
Liberty Bell-
Lisa King-red slicer 4-6 oz
Lyanna-red Moldava
Mocross Elgin #9-
Montreal Tasty-IN
Morden Yellow
Mormon Fifty Days
Native Sun- says IN on my pack though
Nebraska Wedding-
New Hampshire Surecrop IN>??
New Yorker-
Ontario 1121-
Ontario 7519-
Oregon Spring Bush
Polar Baby
Polar Beauty
Prarie Fire
Prebocibec-red salad Quebec (Doucet's) 1974
Prescott (Heirloom)-
Quebec 1121
Razzleberry Pink-
Red House (DW)-
Rhode Island Early
Season Starter
Siberean Bushy
Siberean Fast
Sophie's Choice-
Southern Night-
Sub Arctic Early-
Sub Arctic Mini-
Sub Arctic Midi-
Sub Arctic Maxi-
VR Moscow-
Victor-red Michigan State
Wayahead PL? IN also known as 'Hudson Valley' or 'Potato-leaved Earliana red slicer Michigan
Yorkbec-red Quebec Canada Doucet in 1974
Many of these are Canadian either by birthright or from the Agricultural Stations of many provinces and programs for cold tolerance or short-seasons....ex: Canabec..."bec" indicated Quebec...1960-1970s mostly.
There are also the Sub Arctic series-developed in the 1940's to be grown by US Air Force troops stationed in Greenland...sounds reasonable..however I think it was another variety out of the Beaverlodge Research Station (Alberta, Canada) in the 1970s by Dr. Harris.
R. E. Harris
Research Station, Canada Agriculture, Beaverlodge, Alberta. Contribution no. NRG 71-6,
received tutg.24, 1971, accepted Nov. 9, 1971.
Canadian Journal of Science
I also have an early canteloupe and watermelon with limited seeds to trade from Northern MI.
If you seek a certain tomato you heard about I probably have it.
I need Tom Thumb lettuce and any cool Cool season stuff.
Always ready for garden chat