Post by Alan on Oct 13, 2009 21:01:08 GMT -5
During the rainy season, I like catching up on new agricultural methods and models of sustainability the world over, problem is, they are hard to find on youtube. If you find anything remotely interesting, post it here.
Post by sandbar on Oct 16, 2009 18:59:14 GMT -5
Post by sandbar on Oct 16, 2009 19:00:07 GMT -5
Oh, wait ... just read your post a bit more closely ... you were looking for serious info on ag methods and sustainability ... disregard my previous post.
Post by PatrickW on Oct 17, 2009 8:35:20 GMT -5
Yes, it's British English and British varieties, but I've recently been enjoying this series of videos on heritage apple varieties, grafting, pruning, etc. I'm planning to get some apple trees grafted on rootstock started this year. tinyurl.com/yg2fem2
Post by grunt on Oct 18, 2009 5:38:04 GMT -5
Patrick: Thank you for posting that link - - - invaluable.
Yes, in the poor man's garden grows Kind thoughts, contentment, peace of mind, And joy
Posts: 34
Post by massachusett4hills on Oct 18, 2009 9:59:18 GMT -5
Post by PatrickW on Oct 18, 2009 13:26:11 GMT -5
I'm glad you liked them Dan!
I think it's really great when someone spends the time to do something like those videos. It's such a great resource to be able to watch them over the Internet.
Post by Alan on Oct 19, 2009 21:04:14 GMT -5
Thanks for that Sandbar.
I agree Patrick, I had been watching those videos for a couple of weeks before you posted that link, very informative and much appreciated information!
Post by happyskunk on Oct 26, 2009 0:33:41 GMT -5
Post by clarkfoodfarm on Oct 28, 2009 17:55:35 GMT -5
Post by Alan on Oct 29, 2009 21:24:48 GMT -5
Glad to see the Will Allen Growing Power stuff on here! Good guy with lots of good information, even helping out Breaking New Grounds little projects down in Louisville Kentucky.
Post by Owen on Oct 29, 2009 21:57:51 GMT -5
Wow, these some great videos to check out when I have more time! Here's "Gardens of Destiny" a documentary featuring my friend Dan Jason of Salt Spring Seeds: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMjGg9GeKPk
Post by happyskunk on Oct 29, 2009 23:38:54 GMT -5
Post by silverseeds on Nov 2, 2009 4:19:54 GMT -5
Now Im sure youve all heard of permaculture. I live in a dry place, so this is much trickier, and I have fewer choices. But I am finding things. I have alot of hope for Tim peters perennial rye, and a few of the barleys from kusa. theres some other promising things to, some I have to bred, some just trial. anyway here some links of people who have desalinated soils, in DRY areas, and regreened areas which we had ruined. Over grazing continues still, but we have answers. Im realizing how productive I can make this land it amazes me, I wish everyone knew the potential of permaculture concepts. anyway www.youtube.com/watch?v=W15RRvKyJSk&feature=relatedwww.youtube.com/watch?v=WIelsCmdTA8&feature=relatedwww.youtube.com/watch?v=JGotaEnwqic&feature=relatedthese three are the same guy, going around to different dry areas, showing things hes been doing, part three is very interesting, they make dents into the desert floor, which allows beter accumulation of debri, seeds, and better water retention. with a little reseeding, they easily reestablished, desert land which prior irrigation had made excessively salty. Using technics like this, we could easily raise much much more cattle if need be from land considered dead. not that Im saying thats ideal, Im just saying we have many more options then most would think. www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJ8pjOG4pXI&feature=relatedThis guy is by the dead sea in jordan, on salty dry land, a simple swale, and practical use of trees, and hes growing food on land which prior was thought impossible, not only that but the soil became much healthier, and the salt is becoming inert. All without irrigation, simply more efficient use of what is already there. we could feed the world with the deserts, if we wanted let alone the wetter more fertile lands. We simply do not use the land to its best possibilities.
Post by silverseeds on Nov 2, 2009 8:22:04 GMT -5