I was going to avoid this topic because I know my thoughts while very liberal where holistic healthcare is concerned ...are very "western" based...am a registered nurse now for more than 20 years I am also a strong proponent of safe standardized medications and herbals ..I want the shit tested and standardized ..I want folks to be accountable for what they put into bottles and then what they say it will cure or help!!! Come on now this is just about marketing and selling crap in a bottle then making tons of money while people pee it down the toilet or even worse end up toxic from it ...while I am at it I am also very much in favor of a solid national health care plan that provides strong emphasis on public health
would you call me a communiist? socialist? I am not I am a very patriotic Democrat (go figure huh?)
I believe that herbal medicine has a place as long as if it is called "medicine" it become standardized ..that is not communist that is SAFETY !!! Seriously? you really think what comes in your herbal bottles really is always what it says it is? how? no one is monitoring it...
you do not like the FDA> but it is constantly doing things to save our lives!
people in healthcare are as well and I am sad when I read things sometimes because obviously there is only a superficial knowledge of what we do day to day!
I hear people say "I do not believe in flu shots" every single day ..ok ..well you many not "believe in them" but they do exist and honestly the flu kills ...so while I am caring for your airway keeping you breathing while the flu fills your lungs with fluid ...and you have rejected an injection that could have prevented that ..do I judge you??? NO ..i am sorry you did not take me up on my offer but I will still care for you ..so how is that "detestable"
? No matter what your choice may be ..just know I am here cleaning up after you try!
"I do not vaccinate because those big government companies do not care about my baby" well honey your baby does not have to worry about being in an iron lung if you immunize
if we are going to keep reproducing with reckless abandon we should be prepared to care for people
does that make me a communist I wonder
do it "naturally"
and yet you are in my triage line when anything strikes your family ..with your list of herbals that you have opted for while your blood sugars are through the roof .....all the while complaining about the shitty care we give...I will still smile get your blood sugar down and offere you evidence based advice on how you can prevent this from happening again
I take great pride in being a nurse ..I am glad that I am able to work for a company who does offer things like ginger tea for nausea ..but while I am starting your IV to replenish the fluids when you are hurling and then we do have zofran..because ain't no ginger in the world that will help with your food poisoning when you do not can your tomatoes properly!!!
herbal remedies are fine and should be learned about and respected as are all medications...I have studied wildcrafting ..make herbal tinctures myself ..and practice acupuncture
in healthcare people need to be wise consumers ..the more educated you are ..the better you do
eating well getting plenty of exercise ..all well and good until you do have something hit your life that can not be predicted .....and do not get me started on how people have disdain for mental health care ..we are doing the best we can and when someone takes the brain as a serious organ we will do better I am sure ..right now it is the "buck up" attitude that does not help when someone is paralyzed with anxiety or depression that has nothing to do with will power or demons it is a illness ...errr I digress...
I think being LESS dependent on health care as a nurse is always my goal for you healthy human being!!! But to say it is detestable is kind of an insult to my being because my career is my calling not just a job!
I disagree that people should self medicate it is a dangerous road if you do not know what you are doing ..and just because it is labeled "natural" does not mean it is safe! I am against these herbals at the stores the profess to cure it all and have absolutely no science behind them..and just because it works does not mean it is good for you!!!
I want people to be safe and healthy mentally and physically ...that does mean standardizing herbals..making people justify and pay for testing and studies.. ..sorry but I do ..
I had a guy poison his kid giving him colloidal silver for his strep throat instead of penicillin we offered ..the child ended up not only toxic but guess what ..he still had strep and while strep itself is not the killer it can trigger your immune system to do pretty scary things to your body ..
awesome give your kids heavy metals ..herbal remedies..then come to us to fix the damage ...perfect ..
funny thing is ..I believe in silver as a wonderful thing to reduce bacterial load ...in a tube from a standardized recipe ..from a legit manufacturer ... I do use silver with great success to resolve chronic wounds..on burns there is nothing better....but that is ON THE SKIN NOT IN THE MOUTH ..,,we even have dressings made from seaweed and silver now...does that mean you can go harvest seaweed and mix it with silver at home then put it on a wound and have it resolve..maybe ..but the quantities and cleanliness are all a consideration ..so is the type of wound ..is it arterial ..is it vascular ..the result of an injury?
why is education and science frowned on these days?
I believe there is a place for everything in healthcare ..to include medications...manipulations...herbals....needles...syringes..scalpels ...prayers ...chanting ..whatever ...
and finally ..in case you have not noticed ..pills really work for some folks ..I know you will have to pull my welbutrin rom my cold dead hands before I will give it up ...say what you will but all the fresh air ..good food ..exercise and sunshine ...all the St John;s wort ..none of that helped me live
I would be "alive" with out it ..but I would not be "living" ..I had a tragic event that left my life crushed my brain did not heal and I needed help period ...
I am so grateful for my profession and very proud indeed I chose to be an RN ..and someday when you guys need it I am happy and thankful "I" (figuratively) am here for you ..
.I refuse to not say that in this thread or any thread that has anyone imply that some how unregulated herbals are better than standardized medications
I will take evidenced based healthcare over pressumed natural medicine ..any day ..show me the evidence and studies and I will try it ....honey for example is a great wound healer ....I am not going to put honey on YOUR wound just yet.... but we are right around the corner from a product we can use that is safe evidence based and standardized ..patience grasshopper .....
thank you ..done now