Post by bcday on May 24, 2007 21:10:17 GMT -5
Alan, the garden is supposedly in containers on the roof of the house. I don't know how he can grow all the stuff he talks about there, but that's where he said the garden is.
Post by flowerpower on May 26, 2007 7:14:50 GMT -5
BLRH is right that Joyce is NOT Zman. I sent live plants to her in Connecticut. Also, Blue never received seeds from him though he sent them "1st class mail". I mailed her stuff after he supposedly did and she got them. And yeah he did tell someone not to reveal his identity. Who is he? Batman? I also think that he may be the gardener.
Post by PapaVic on May 26, 2007 7:39:38 GMT -5
I also think that he may be the gardener. Who is "the gardener?" Do you mean he is registered at an online forum as "the gardener" or "gardener?" BPV
Posts: 226
Post by LoreD on May 26, 2007 8:31:52 GMT -5
Gridgardener is a well known forum troll that has hit Idig, MotherEarth, and OrganicGardening forums. He also has posted as towerlightning.
One of his hits was a thread called 6 month community garden challenge. The thread is still there at Idig if you want to check.
Post by bcday on May 26, 2007 8:50:52 GMT -5
Gridgardener is Chickenman. He and Zman are not the same person. Chickenman lives in Maryland, near Baltimore.
Post by flowerpower on May 27, 2007 6:47:21 GMT -5
No I think he is someone's gardener. Maybe his boss is a TV producer, but not him. And this is why we never see any pics of anything, even though he brags about how wonderful his garden is.
Posts: 226
Post by LoreD on May 27, 2007 7:46:57 GMT -5
I took a look over at HomesteadingToday and Zman and Paquebot/BHpigeon2 are starting to snap at each other.
Post by bcday on May 27, 2007 9:19:06 GMT -5
Um, Chickenman and Paquebot are not the same person, either. Paquebot will be happy to inform everyone that he is in NO WAY related to Chickenman. I wonder what he would say if someone on that forum suggested that he is? LOL.
Paquebot lives in Wisconsin and is on IDig as 'bhpigeon2'.
Chickenman lives in Maryland and is 'gridgardener', 'towerlightning', 'markferon', 'matfox', and dozens of other aliases on all kinds of forums, but he is not Paquebot (bhpigeon2) or Zman.
Just to make life interesting, Chickenman sometimes does register on a forum with more than one userID and has his separate identities argue among themselves, LOL. You can tell that they are all the same person.
I wish I could remember the IDig thread where Paquebot as bhpigeon2, Chickenman as gridgardener, and Zebraman were all going at each other. Funny as all getout. But Paquebot isn't chickenman, and Zman isn't either of them.
Post by PapaVic on May 27, 2007 11:54:23 GMT -5
bcday is correct.
Paquebot/bhpigeon2 indeed is from Wisconsin and is a very well versed gardener of age. He is involved in extensive coop gardening and community gardening and is very knowledgeable about tomatoes, potatoes, beans, peas, onions, and other garden crops ... and maintains an extensive collection of heritage seeds. He also is responsible for ressurrecting Wisconsin 55 tomato.
Chickenman/gridgardener/aliases-too-numerous-to-list-here is a much younger man from the Reistertown/Owing Mills area of Baltimore County, Maryland, and has a particular disorder that causes him to write his posts as they appear at many gardening forums. It is for this reason that Martin and others, including myself, cut him a lot of slack. However he can become very very irritating and others have lashed out at him and lodged numerous complaints with forum administrators causing him to be banned from GardenWeb, for example, numerous times under several nicknames. He reregisters generally from public computers like libraries and thereby resurfaces.
Personally, I find Chickenman, aka, Mark Feron (M. Fox ... see the connection? Feron = Fox?) harmless but annoying, as he seems to get very frustrated from time to time and that leads to his aggressive style of retort. But I attribute that to his disorder and just let it slide ... usually ... but not always. :-) Oh ... BTW ... Chickenman took 3rd place in Meatless Spaghetti Sauce at the Maryland State Fair one year ... I think it was 2005. So he can't be all bad!
Now, Zebraman is a whole 'nuther animal. He is hateful ... maybe even self-hating ... and he employs racist and anti-social behavior and taunts that shouldn't be tolerated in a public forum. Besides, he is obnoxiously neo-conservative and that is the worst of all. I can tolerate classic conservatism as I embrace some of its tenets myself ... especially with regard to private property rights ... but the kind of neo-con crappola that is typical of Zebraman's ilk makes me puke! Besides, he makes stuff up about other forum members and then baits them with fabrications and hateful taunts. He has no socially redeeming qualities, and therefore is pornographic by definition.
Posts: 226
Post by LoreD on May 27, 2007 13:04:00 GMT -5
Sorry about that. I must have picked up the wrong information somewhere. I'll go back and edit my post.
Also, what is TV's problem with Paquebot-BHpigeon2
Post by jaliranchr on May 27, 2007 14:16:43 GMT -5
I have always learned a great deal from Paquebot. Sure, he's kinda grumpy and I've ticked him off in the last few months while trying to ease tensions in a thread, but I will always consider him a good gardening mind to listen to. Chickenman is pretty harmless from what I've seen over the years but he does get a bunch of people in a tizzy when he posts. Funny, but the committee that designates who are trolls has never really explained why Chickenman is a troll, just that he is. Same with Organic Nut. They don't bother me. Yet, the one that annoys almost as universally as Zman is considered a special case. Go figure.
Post by PapaVic on May 27, 2007 16:57:05 GMT -5
Sorry about that. I must have picked up the wrong information somewhere. I'll go back and edit my post. Also, what is TV's problem with Paquebot-BHpigeon2 Lored LoreD, I don't know the entire story, but basically, Paquebot doesn't kowtow to Carolyn Male. That's the short of it. The long of it has to do with several instances where Carolyn tried to force her view over top of Paquebot's view. In some instances this happened when Paquebot stated his viewpoint and then Carolyn came in with her typical bulldog delivery and tried to impose her professorial superiority complex on the entire issue. This happened time and again at GardenWeb and you could read thread after thread of the tug-of-war relationship between the two people. In one particular issue, after Paquebot had expended a great deal of effort to ressurrect Wisconsin 55 tomato, Carolyn and her minions poo pooed its value and denied it credibility as a "commercial heirloom" simply by a totally arbitrary date stamp of 1941 as a cut-off date for such status. Paquebot suspects that Carolyn had him banned from GardenWeb after one particularly argumentative thread. Carolyn denies it. Fact is, I read the thread over and over again and did not see a serious violation of terms of service. And then there were the infamous and endless battles over Marianna's Peace vs Marianna's Conflict. Most of these long long threads have been deleted from GardenWeb archives long ago, but the bitter taste lingers and is perpetuated especially by those who sidle up to Carolyn like Mischka, who immediately denied access to Paquebot when he tried to register at Twinkieville ... and then gloated about his arbitrary pomposity to be able to do so. You might still find some of the legendary arguments between Carolyn and Paquebot by searching GardenWeb archives using "carolyn137 paquebot" or something like that. Bottom line ... they are like oil and water. BPV
Post by bluelacedredhead on May 27, 2007 21:15:12 GMT -5
I coulda swore that Martin Paquebot was on T'ville when I first joined? I didn't realize until now that bhPigeon is one and the same with Paquebot..
Posts: 226
Post by LoreD on May 28, 2007 14:11:49 GMT -5
Also, how do you grow watermelons and two kinds of corn on your roof?
Wouldn't his roof collapse under the weight of the containers?
These are itty bitty houses and I don't think that the flat roof would be able to maintain that kind of weight.
Bring back the rotary phone so we don't have to press "1" for English
Posts: 138
Post by oldgaredneck on May 28, 2007 15:59:36 GMT -5
Alan, the garden is supposedly in containers on the roof of the house. I don't know how he can grow all the stuff he talks about there, but that's where he said the garden is. Been watching all these threads I guess because I'm nosy. But I am curious though.....Check out post #21 www.homesteadingtoday.com/showthread.php?t=186197The list is bizarre. How in the world can you grow that many things on your roof? lol Just looked over his list - the idiot has planted Kudzu-Pueraria lobata!!!! Why in the world would ANYone want to purposely plant kudzu??? Also posted a reply asking him for pictures of his "garden"......